So far, in all the question groups I have access to, there have been questions that were either ambiguous or had multiple answers. "Odd one out" questions are poorly designed, especially where number patterns are concerned. Yes, there are a lot of questions that make you think, but is very frustrating finding one clearly justifiable pattern or solution and having the app turn out a different, and also justifiable, solution. If you insist on writing a puzzle game, make sure the answers are, if not clear, at least unique! (-3 stars)
The interface could use a little tweaking. Number/word answers can be tapped directly, but for pictures you have to find the letter or number of the answer instead of tapping the one you want. (-1 star)
I havent had it crash yet, maybe Im just lucky.
I havent bought the extra question packs, but might do so just for the brain exercise. (+1 for considering it at all)
SiverMachine about The IQ Test : Lite Edition, v4.3